Password Management and Password Security

A Comprehensive Guide to Password Management and Security: Protecting Your Access Credentials from Criminal Use

September 12, 2023

Claire Griffiths


In today’s cyber landscape, few topics are as vital as password management. Your passwords are the keys to your digital kingdom, and if those keys end up in the wrong hands, your personal data, workflow, and reputation could be at risk. 

Did you know that compromised usernames and passwords are the most common way that criminals gain access to their victim’s data? A startling 61% of breaches are as a result of compromised passwords. That is why it’s so important to have a strong password management strategy in place, whether you’re an individual or a business.  

The Importance of Credential Security 

Before we dive into the protective measures, let’s understand why securing your access credentials is crucial. After all, knowing what you’re protecting yourself from is essential to taking the necessary steps to safeguard your accounts. Access credentials act as the gatekeepers to your digital world. If they are compromised, cyber criminals can gain unauthorised access to your sensitive information, financial accounts, and even your identity. 

Poor password management can make you susceptible to: 

  • Brute Force Attacks: Criminals can attempt to guess your password by trying out different combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols until they find the right one. This type of attack is usually automated, and simpler passwords are cracked more easily. 
  • Phishing Attacks: This is when someone tricks you into giving them your password by posing as a trusted source, such as a website or company with whom you do business. They may do this by sending you an email that may look legitimate but contains a link that leads to a fake login page. Once you’ve input your username and password, they can access your real account at their leisure or sell your credentials to the highest bidder. 
  • Social Engineering: Criminals use psychological tricks to make you reveal sensitive information, such as your password, by impersonating someone you trust or offering enticing incentives. 

With these risks in mind, let’s explore best practices for password management.  

Tips for Password Security for Individuals 

Use a Password Manager 

A password manager is a piece of software that helps you keep track of your various passwords. This can be a huge time-saver, and it also means that you don’t have to remember multiple complex passwords―the password manager will do that for you. 

Use Strong Passwords 

  1. Unique and Complex: Start with a password that’s unique and complex. Avoid common words, phrases, or patterns like “123456” or “password.” Instead, create a mix of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Longer is Better: Longer passwords are more secure. Aim for a minimum of 12 characters, but the longer, the better.
  3. Avoid Personal Information: Steer clear of easily discoverable information like your birthdate, name, or family member names. Cyber criminals often research their targets.
  4. Don’t Reuse Passwords: Each account should have a unique password. Reusing passwords increases the risk that if one account is breached, others will follow.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication 

Whenever possible, enable multi-factor authentication for your online accounts. This adds an extra layer of security, as it requires you to enter not only your password but also a code generated by an app on your phone or an answer to a question. 

Password Management Best Practices for Businesses 

In today’s business landscape, access credentials are at the heart of operations, from corporate emails and financial systems to proprietary software and sensitive customer data. Protecting these access credentials is critical for businesses, as a breach can led to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences. In this section, we’ll delve into crucial strategies and practices to safeguard access credentials.

Use a Password Management Service

Consumer-grade password management tools are not sufficient for securing your business. Employ a password management service tailored for enterprises to generate strong, unique passwords and centralise management. This will allow you to keep track of all passwords (for each of your employees) in one central location. Our team provides a hands-free password management solution that helps you be more secure in accessing your daily workflow and protecting your data. 

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

As we mentioned above, multi-factor authentication is an excellent way to add an extra layer of security to your business accounts. In addition to using a password management service, consider enabling MFA for all accounts, particularly those which access personal or sensitive data. 

Educate your Employees

One of the most important things you can do to improve your password security is to educate your employees about password best practices. Make sure they use the enterprise-class password management service for all their business-related access credentials. 

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Implement RBAC systems to ensure employees only have access to the resources necessary for their roles. This limits the potential damage of compromised credentials.  

How we can Help You Safeguard and Manage your Passwords ― the Password Management Service  

Our password management service delivers top-tier password security to your business. 

Here’s how it works: 

Password Generation: Our software helps you generate strong, unique passwords for all your employee accounts. This can be a huge time-saver, and you don’t have to remember multiple complex passwords ― the password manager will do that for you. 

Password Storage: We securely store your passwords, ensuring you won’t lose access to your accounts or data. 

Password Recovery: If you forget your password, we can help you recover it. This is an important service, as it can prevent you from losing access to your account and all the data that is stored within it. 

Password Rotation: It’s important to change up your passwords regularly to enhance security. This helps to keep your passwords fresh, and it also makes it more difficult for hackers to guess your password. 

By using our password management system, you can help ensure that your access credentials follow cyber security best practices and are user-friendly.  


Whether you’re an individual or a business, securing access credentials through robust password management is essential in today’s digital world. Taking proactive measures and educating yourself and your employees on best practices will help you keep your digital assets safe. Trusting in the right tools and services, like OneCollab’s password management, can further strengthen your security posture.  

Letting us handle your technology provides a wide range of benefits for your business, regardless of your company’s size. From cost savings and access to IT specialisations to improved security and scalability, partnering with us allows you to focus on your core business processes while knowing your technology is in good hands. With these advantages, it’s no surprise that outsourcing technology security, maintenance, and support is becoming the preferred option for businesses like yours looking to operate efficiently and cost-effectively. 

Remember, cyber security is a shared responsibility, and together, we can fortify your defences and safeguard your digital future. 


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